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Arjun has recently learnt about averages, and he says the following two sentences: A: The average age of ten of his coaching class students is 15 B:...
Adya writes down an integer. She tells Sidhu that the following is true: 1. Subtracting 35 from her integer gives a positive result. 2. Multiplying...
Maddy painted a rectangular block on all six faces and then cuts it into exactly 110 unit cubes. Eight of these cubes have exactly three faces...
There are 100 doors and all closed. There are 100 magicians. The first magician ways his wand, and opens every door. The second magician ways the wand...
You are blindfolded and 100 coins are placed in front of you on the table. You are allowed to touch the coins but you can’t tell whether they are...
There are 3 jars, namely, A, B, C. All of them are mislabelled. Jar A contains red marbles, jar B contains blue marbles and Jar C contains red and...